In The Lounge Podcast with Stone and B

False Alarms and Authenticity in the Limelight: Dissecting Viral Incidents and Comedic Boundaries

J. Stone Season 2 Episode 6

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Ever find yourself questioning the ripple effects of a viral hoax? Strap in as we tackle the Carly Russell saga, where the false cry of kidnapping spiraled into a national frenzy. Now, with a year in jail and a hefty $18,000 restitution fee hanging over her head, we sift through the debris of what's left when tall tales come crashing down. The story doesn't just highlight the legal consequences but also pushes us to ponder the psychological underpinnings and the outcry for mental health awareness that often accompanies such bewildering events. 

Get ready to laugh and nod along with the frank wisdom of Katt Williams, who schools us on the comedy game's underbelly, from joke thievery to keeping it real in Hollywood. The industry's not all bright lights and belly laughs; it's a battlefield of wits, ethics, and sometimes, wardrobe choices that could make or break a career. We'll dissect the nuances of authenticity and the sometimes uncomfortable decisions that come with fame. Katt doesn't hold back, and neither do we, as we explore the tightrope walk between personal integrity and the allure of the spotlight.

Lastly, let's not skirt around it – we're talking men in dresses, from Tyler Perry's Madea to Martin Lawrence's Big Momma. Does donning a dress on screen signify a broader cultural shift or just another day at the box office? We'll debate the contentious topic with a side of humor and a dash of contemplation, leaving you to mull over the cultural significance of such roles. But it's not all serious – shout out to Jamie Foxx's talents and a quick reminisce about Shaq. Tune in for an episode that's as layered as it is entertaining, where the punchlines pack more than just a laugh.

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Speaker 1:

The boys and girls choosing of all ages. Your boy, just don't come alive to you with another Be today. We're gonna give you some news, news that you can use now. I don't know how many you remember Carly Russell, but she is the young lady in 2023 that faked her kidnapping. I'm not gonna go in the whole story about it, but we she had everybody in America praying for her, looking for her, and it was all the hoax. So let's give you the short story. She got out of her car. She said and she's seen a toddler walking on the freeway. There was no toddler. She then said that someone came from behind her, grabbed her and took her. No one grabbed her. No one took her. What she did do is look at taking movies. She went to Target, got toiletries, got snacks and Got her car and everything. She staged this whole thing. Don't know if it was for attention or what it was for, but she staged the whole thing. Now come to us 2024 and Huh, kind of rest is going to jail. So this is how it's going. It says Russell has pleaded to not guilty to one count of false reporting to law enforcement Enforcement authority and one count of false reporting an incident. A judge found her guilty and Russell was, and Russell was sentenced to spend one year in jail and then she has to pay restitution of $18,000 Wow for what she did. A lot of people wanted her to do more jail time. A lot of people want her to do pay more out, but I myself they gave her a misdemeanor was a misdemeanor, but I myself, I really believe something is wrong in the mental, for or she needed some attention or she needed something. It was something for you to go that far into detail or that far and have yourself been kidnapped, have yourself being you know. Then you come back, but I think she came back naked or something like that. However, it happened. Well, it's, it's. It's. It's some. It's some, some extreme people who have done this before. If you look at some, I did a story when she did this. It was a young lady, I think she was in Illinois or Indiana, one of those that she wants to Get rid of her kids or get rid of her boyfriend or something like her husband. She had her ex-boyfriend Come, snatcher up, binder, gager, beater with chains, brander and throw out in the ditch and rapper in chains. Why, why not just get up and leave? Why not just say I don't want to be with you, no more? Why do you have to go to that extent? And then you have people feeling sorry for you. Now this young lady kind of well, so she had people looking for, having search parties, having prayers and everything, and you know, everything went through the internet. Man, after they found out that she was lying about everything she was doing. We you should have seen them comments in there. She was the young lady I had, my grandmother praying for you. That was a prayer I could have used myself, like wow, but that's what happens. Now she will be doing a year in jail and Is has to pay $18,000 in restitution. That's a lesson. Hopefully she won't be doing it anymore. Hopefully she gets help. Hopefully her family will help her get behind her and everything. This is not the time to abandon her. This is not the time to leave her. This time to help her now. From that news to the entertainment news Club shape and my boy cat, mother Williams. My god, did he not go in From the beginning? I'm talking about from the beginning of the poor, of the other, of the um, of the cognac. She was like we got a pullback from this. You drink it to eat? He said I only had one sip. He said the truth don't have to be enhanced. Ah, I don't blame you, baby. He said they've been talking about him for longest and lying on him. It was time for him to set the record straight. Now I'm not gonna sit here and lie Everybody who he named. I'm like you know what. It's crazy, how it, how would happen. Bernie Mac, bernie Mac, if it's a, it's a video out right now. He's backstage. I don't know if he was it and he was. He's backstage somewhere and he's telling. He's saying Don't do your jokes around other comics, especially if it's new and it's good, because they gonna still. Steve Harvey, sorry Steve, you got caught up. Buddy Said you got caught up. Buddy, sorry, you know. And then, on top of that, I'm hearing. I'm hearing that he said he gave him a Pushback of plea. Like you know, don't even worry about it, we good. Then you get up and lie. I see, I understand he don't like liars. Like don't lie. You ain't got a lot of kick it, buddy, we don't. We gonna do, we're gonna do. And it's crazy how he just came and said what's going on. One thing If he named a couple of names. I Don't know about earthquake King reader, that I don't know. I'm just saying I'm just listening to what he said, don't know if that's the the case or whatever, but it was a lot of information, it was a lot of Of In-depth on him. You know, a lot of people didn't know he was a smart guy like that. A lot of people understand, he read books and he he traveled the world when he was a kid. You know, um, a lot of people just don't, didn't understand the man. You know. And come on, man, I, you know, I'm a Ricky Smiley fan. I like Ricky Smiley. He was, he was, he's a church boy believing God. I love God, I love the Lord and everything. But you know, you got a part in a role in a movie. Why be upset about it? Why not just play that role and keep pushing with it? You know what I mean. And I don't know about All these men in dresses and everything like that. It's this is me, this is my opinion. This is me. I understand everyone has a role to play. I Understand everyone has a role to play. I understand. And sometime in that role you have to do with the director or the producer or whoever is Over that project, to say but I do see where cat is coming from if you make a viable Point saying, hey, I don't have to do this this way, I don't have to put a dress on or I don't have to be raped in this scene or I Come like, like what one thing here. I'm glad that he did that, because If that was a rape in there, that movie wouldn't have been the same, it wouldn't have been funny, it wouldn't have been the same of them and like dang man, why are you doing like that? So how he switched, how everything twisted and the plot turned and and everything was good and it was funny and it's a cult classic and it's something that you can, you can continue to look at from now On. Why not? You know, I'm glad he did that, I'm glad he stood up, I'm glad he said no, I ain't gonna go out like that. You know, re-smiley as a camp? I don't think so that wouldn't have been. That wouldn't have been his favor. He did. They casted him For what he was supposed to be. Santa Claus did a good job at what he was doing. He made people laugh. He did their little little stealing stuff. It was nice. It was funny, boom, boom, all this behind the talk, what he was upset about, why you got some of the things people who really would love to get into Hollywood and do and be grateful, be thankful. You know, and all the people saying cube, don't pay, bruh, y'all gotta understand, half of that came out. It's some of that came out of his own pocket. You know, if you're gonna be in it, it's for exposure. You're gonna give a pale or something, but most of it is for exposure, to know who you are, to see who you are. You know, and I understand now Steve Harvey. You know I'm a Steve Harvey fan. I like what he do, I like what he talked about, but you didn't. Honestly, I really believe Catwoman's right once that that comp comedian brawl or how do you want to put it with him and cat Williams went out and cat did win. That was the end of it. He stopped being a comedian, he stopped being on stage. He only started doing talk shows, and, and, and and radio, and, and, and and other Other beams like and. Hey, it's good If that's what he wants to do. That's what he wants to do. It's good now with this thing with Bernie Mac, I'm not gonna talk on that like that because Bernie Mac is not here. You know I hate when, when, when, when the person is not here, to To to say, hey, no, that ain't how I went, this is how I went, this is how went. But I did like I said. I did see the little snippet what Bernie Mac was saying about being and being a comedian and what not to do and how to do and who to act with, and I've heard a lot of rumors that that that Steve Harvey and Bernie Mac wasn't wasn't feeling each other much. He called oceans, I think oceans, eight or eleven, which one Bernie Mac was in to say, hey, he wasn't good for the role. Let me get in. Really, you supposed to be my partner. You're gonna screw me over like that. You're gonna take mo. You're gonna take food. You can take money out of my pocket, food out of my kids mouth. Come on now. That's not cool. Why would you do that now? That's when people begin to do the wrong stuff. Come on now and I'm looking like, honestly, I enjoyed it a lot of people he shouldn't have did. He only did that for clout. He only did that for publicity. Somebody did it for publicity. He'd be somewhere else doing too. He wouldn't. Was from podcast to podcast and doing it where I see. Where else have you seen him at? I'll wait, unless he on a show Doing his own show. You ain't seen him. No well, he went to club shade. Do what he supposed to do would say what he wants to say, how he wants to say, because, as he said, club shade gave him an open form To make him feel relaxed to tell the truth when everybody else is lying. So you know, hey, it was, it was entertainment, it was. I say it was good entertainment. I also say it was something that you were like, wow, man, didn't realize that. You know, he opened up about, about the secret society. He opened up about, about about when he came from, what he was going on with him and his father. He opened up about About the comedy of Kevin Hart. He opened up about the comedy of earthquake. He opened up about the comedy of of a deal, hugh Lee, and he talked about who else. He talked about earthquake. You know who else it Ricky smiley. He talked about a lot of people, but one person that I am Am happy and and, and I'ma say this Mike, I was gonna get on on what's that? I want some publicity. Why don't you say something about me, boy? You better be glad you say nothing about you. Sure, that's not the right publicity, you won't? I know he was joking with it, but Nah, that wasn't one of the ones he wanted to run, but no, no, let it go, let him alone, cuz he was on fire, I Don't care. Before the first drink, before the drunks, he went in boom. He went in on Cedric. Boom Came after for a friend, saw Freddy. He came when it his Cedric talked about him a couple of minutes, got off of Cedric, went on to Steve, was from Steve to to Ricky, smiley from Ricky. Oh man, he, he even hit earthquake. Told us that earthquake can't even read. Why would you do that? Why, and? And? Uh, it was like come on, man, stall him out, dog, stall him out, help him out. No, no, I'm not gonna do it, I'm not. Don't got though he would install him out. He kept, he kept hitting him. And Then, on top of that, wanda, now, now wander Sykes. He even said he loved Wanda Sykes, and Wanda Sykes is a is a darn good comedian. She's a great talent and I, I, I love what she has done with Friends, they meet the Browns. That's not who it is. And he surely did talk about mr Tyler Perry and he did talk about the men to be in the dresses and Honestly, I was like wow, you would say. You know, he said that Tyler Perry is more he. He's hard for him to even act like a man Because he been in that dress so long. I'm just saying what are your thoughts, because I know it's a lot of people who love Tyler Perry, love his shows, love what he do, you know, love his things and everything. Um, honestly, I would like to and I want some comment, I want some feedback with this what do you think about the man being in the dress? We're gonna start, we even gonna go from. Even when Martin did how, about how? About when Martin, when he, he, he did his thing. When, when, when, who else? Who else did the dress? Tyler Perry? Who else did the dress? Smiley, ricky's Mounted Address. Who else you can name, name them and name them, and name them. I forgot the young man. They did big mama's house with Martin. Can't? We can sell it him, don't do it. And At first he thought he was trying to bash him or whatever. But no, he was trying to let him know, like you don't I really have to do that you can sit and talk to these people and get your perspective be your, take your things on it if they using you in the right light, come on, I come on that, let them. Let be smart about everything. Now was crazy with it. He just told him. He said that in his contract Ricky Smiley can't even be with him unless he can address, because he said that's the only way he can really good, be a good actor. Is he him in the dress? Wow, wow, wow, wow. I'm like, but I but I'd say this leave this man alone, leave him alone. He honestly, everybody takes shots at Kat sometime, you know, and I can, I can understand why, because Kat is top, you know, you know, kat, do Kat, kat do what he want to do. Kat is another, um, um, what is it was his name, oh man, they call him the god. I went blank, got dug it. I go back. They should feel Kat is another. They should feel they're sure gonna talk about who you want to talk about, how you want to talk about, when you want to talk about. You got another, another, um, another, which kind of thing another set out. I haven't heard it yet so I'm not gonna comment on it yet, but I am gonna look at it. But yeah, so a Lot of people got to understand man, leave Kat alone, let him do what he do, let him let him great, let him be great, let him be great in his own corner. You know, he doesn't turn down fifty million dollars. A couple of times he said because he said he didn't want to be in that room being bit, and I understand that. If that's, if you're not a woman, if you, if you're not with that or whatever, no one should force you to be in that, in that position. You shouldn't be have to force in that position, be forced to do that position and, honestly, to get you got to understand what God has for you. God has for you. God is not going to put you in a compromising position to get what God blessing. No, he's not. Once God opens his door for you, his doors is gonna be open. His love is always gonna be them. It's not gonna be some some. You got to do this before I do this, before you do this, before you Did it now. No, what people don't understand is this cat has a relationship with God. Even though he might do what he do, he's still got a tight bond with God and a lot of people don't understand it and a lot of people don't like it Because he is straight to history, say, hey, I don't like the devil and none of his people f them all. Hey, I Can feel it, I understand it because I'm on God's side. You know, you got to understand who's side of you really own. Yes, it's some sometimes man, this role that you live, that you work on, that you do. Things gets a little rough, but put your hands, put your, put your trust in God's hands, put your life in God's hands. But I can only sure, I can only truly tell you what I know. This is, this is this is my take on on on the whole thing about God. I Was homeless, but I never went out food, I wasn't stinking, I wasn't rain to rain, I never slept on the ground, none of that. I had to look on the bright side of everything and, yes, every day I sit there and pray. Yes, every day I sit there and talk to God and, yes, he did ask, like each and every one of my prayers Come on, I'm thankful for what God is doing for me. God has done for me and about to do for me. It's going whoo, just 2024. Thankful for the year, thankful for seeing it. You know, I, I one thing I do, like what he's to. A cat said he laughs every day. You know he laughs every day. You know it's just a little bit of a joke. I Let being upset and being mad, being aggravated, agitated, annoyed. Oh my god, I had this is young lady that I was talking to that every day. You kid, it doesn't matter, I'm annoyed, I'm annoyed, I'm agitating, I'm this, some that, I'm this and that, and nothing was good coming out. It wasn't never. You know, it's a good day today, I'm having a wonderful day. No, I'm annoyed, I'm annoyed, I'm annoyed, I'm mad, I'm this and that, and I, and I wonder, do you think that's cute to say that, nice and pretty, you think somebody is all baby, what's wrong with you? No, well, it's you. You annoyed, you upset. Well, I'll tell you what you're going around that corner and finish doing what you're doing. I don't want to be around it, I don't want that, that, that that negative around me, and that's the thing about it. We now, as being people you have to understand. You have to be for you sometimes and you have to understand and know that when you feel negative by vibrations around you, step away Because that will leak on you, leech on you, and then what you're gonna do? You got you upset, you mad, they mad or whatever. Somebody mad ain't gonna. It doesn't help. Being upset doesn't help. Crying doesn't help. Oh, come on now. All that you got to understand your mental has to be guarded at all times, has to be guarded at all times. You got to understand what to do. You have your breathing techniques. Some people suffer from anxiety because of other people. You gotta understand it's people that will make you go insane and sometimes you just gotta step back. And yes, some family you gotta just step back from. I got an uncle right now that he put his mouth on me and he's doing bad now, like really bad, but I'm not praising that, I'm not happy for that because that's still family. I wish him the best. I wish he would go and get himself checked in, treated and get itself together. Because that's my uncle, that's my blood. I wish him the best. I love him, I care for him. I don't want anything bad to happen to him or anything like that matter. But in the same factor, the Bible says touch not my prophet, touch my prophet, touch not my prophet. Mm Ah, the least of my little ones. See, you put your mouth on anything of God, so you better watch out. You know what I want to talk about and I'm gonna talk about it. Young people, young people, young people, diddy, diddy, sean, brother, love, or whoever you want to call yourself at this point in time. Brother, get your stuff together. Pimping, come on man, get your things together. You get your things together. Get your stuff together, mr Jakes, bishop Jakes, bishop Jakes, I need you to look in the Bible and where it says don't let your good be evil spoken of. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Ladies and gentlemen, I need you to go to wwwloungemarketonlinecom. That's wwwloungemarketonlinecom. That's where you can get hoodies, hats, t-shirts, magnets, mugs, cups and aprons and a whole assortment of many, much, much, much more things there. Go there, check me out, show me some love Also. Also also go to wwwplmediamailcom, pl. Mediamailplmediamailcom. Check me out, show me some love. Man, like I said, I wanted to know about what you think about the men in the dresses being stars, like the Tyler Perry's, the Martin's. Martin did a wonderful job. I love Martin. I just wanna know your opinion on what you think of the Tyler Perry's in the dresses. The Martin's in the dresses, the. What's the name? Ricky Smiley. What's the name, what's his name, ricky Smiley. You know I want your, your intake, I want your feedback on it. I wanna know what you think it's. I believe I believe we should have a. I don't care what it is what what? I don't care if it's like a movie, whatever it is. You should have a say in what you should wear, cause I was, I was raised. A man wears pants and a woman wears dresses. Now, understand, it's 2024 or a new revolution, or it's a new way of thinking, or it's a new dress codes or whatever. Or this is what we wear now and it's supposed to be good or whatever. No, no. If it worked for my grandpa my grandma she wore a dress. He was in pants, he was the head of the house, she understood what was going on, she took care of the house, he brought the money in the house. If it worked for my mama she wore a dress. Come on, I think it would work for me as well. I don't, I, I myself, I wouldn't feel right putting the dress on. I don't care how much money you're paying me. You know, I, and honestly it's, what's crazy about it Is this I, I feel they catch actors at their lowest point and say, hey, we can give you this amount of money if you put this dress on. But I just want to know what they think. What do the people really think? And I'm not going to sit here and laugh. I sit there and watch Martin and Laugh. I sit there and watch Tyler Perry, seriki Smiling and anybody else that has the dress on. That's a man. When Martin I'm Martin Jamie Foxx was playing Wanda, he was hilarious, you know, and I'm a Jamie Foxx fan. You know that that was my guy. That's still my guy. I, I would love to sit down and talk to him. He, he has a genius about him, about his music, about his craft, about everything that he does, you know, and I enjoy it with him. I'm I'm going to do this shot out right now. That's who I really wanted to need to sit down and talk to. Mr Shaquille O'Neal, I met you at my job and we had a conversation a small conversation, cause you had to get on a plane. I would love to sit down and talk back with you and hopefully, hopefully, we can work, work, work, work some things together, work some things out. You know you, you big Shaq, you big diesel, you know, I would love to do that, love to do that. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, tristan, of all ages, this is your boy, j Stone. I had to get out there and talk about my boy, cat Williams, and all his antics and all his things that he was talking about. I love it. Now, the young lady who he I don't want to say berated, but I want to say he stood up to her On the radio here. I think her name is Wanda. The thing about it is, after that whole thing, they said you know, he, they was trying to get at him, they were trying to shoot him, you know, like, but she started it. That's the thing about it. And this is something my grandmother showed me, told me a long time ago, and she didn't tell me. She told her girls if you pick a fight, if you hit a man, don't expect that man not to hit you back. If you big him back to hit a man, what you think he gonna do to you, in other words, keep your hands to yourself, keep your comments to yourself. That radio, that radio interview, should have been civil. He was there to do a job to make people laugh. He could have did that job, but what he had to do was defend himself before he did that. That's all he could have went in, did if it was a promotion, get a promotion, as he was. I think he gave my Emmy to a line or whatever it was. He could have did that, enjoyed it and had something good, but she wants to make a viral moment about it. Yeah, I messed up the word, got dug it. I'm human shoot, but that's the thing about it. Some people don't understand. It's not all about making vile moments and big moments and everything. Chill, man, relax, relax. Your time will come, your time will come. He talked about Kevin Hart I, I, I myself, I don't know and he said this this is the thing about it A lot of a lot of comedians, a lot of actors, a lot of people don't. They don't get along. And you think they would get along because they in the same craft, but they don't get along. What I don't like is and Mr Cooper, mark Cooper, hanging with Mr Cooper. You need to bring that back. I love that show, bro. One thing I can truly say he said nothing about that man. He said nothing bad about. He said he helped them with the joke that they stole. That means Mark Cooper is one of the best bro I'm I'm trying to get. I want that's another. Shut up, mr Cooper. I want you on my show. We sent you emails. I want you on the show, bro. I want you here, sir. I want to be able to reach out, talk to you, ask you about what's next, ask you about what. What are we doing? I ask you, can we get hanging with Mr Cooper back online, back on the air? If everybody else is doing their reboot, come on, mr Cooper can have a reboot too. Yeah, hanging with my. Yeah, anyway, I want it back and I know I know a lot. Hey, if y'all won't hang on Mr Cooper to come back, shoot out, shoot out something. Hang on musta Cooper. I believe it can come back. He will be great. Everybody's still around. You know that you can figure out something. I know the little boy who was always coming in. He's grown. Raven Simone has grown something, something y'all can figure out something. You know she came back from college, or she got married or something, or whatever. Let me have you, you know, something, can y'all can put something together and give it to the people? I believe that you know, I really believe it. Luanda, get over there, luanda, sykes, get on over there and hang in there and talk to Cooper and put something together. You're doing a wonderful job out there producing and directing. Sure, we need more out there. We need more. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, truth of all ages I'm so thankful that you stopped by the lounge to listen to me, to give me some shout outs, to show me some love. Today I wanted to just to talk to y'all guys and buy. You know, show some love, show me some love. If you see me in the street, doop, doop, blow your horn, wave at me. You know, if you see some, if you see me out and somebody still come out, talk to me, you might get a T-shirt. So might get a T-shirt or two. You know we're gonna be doing some giveaways and things also. Once again, wwwloungemarketonline, once again wwwloungemarketonline. That's where you're gonna find the T-shirts, the hats, the beanies, the socks, the what else is over there Cups, the mugs, the aprons, and it's hoodie season too. Chili Willy, baby chili Willy. All right, y'all peace. Thanks for watching. I'll see you in the next video. I'll see you in the next video.

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